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cd Product >> ACE Addon

ACEBATCH an add on to ACE – Business Accounting Software, provides sub-classification of stock items and enable inventory maintenance on the basic batch number, serial number, colour, expiry date, or any other criteria. Since, it is completely integrated with ACE, all accounting aspects are automatically taken care by ACE.

Stock maintenance on basis of sub-classification of products, like a Medicine on the basis of BATCH Number.
Auto Generate Serial Numbers where the sub-classification is based on numbers and the lot contains consecutive serial numbers.
Check for Duplicate Serial Numbers.
Option to maintain Free Sample Stock.
User Defined Bill Format – Permits Printing of Batch, Serial Number, Expire Date, etc.
Auto Generation of Purchase Entries from consumption.
Supports Bar Coding.
Fully Integrated with ACE.
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Entry Features
Batch No. Expiry Date. (Purchase, Sale, Production,  Consumption)
Option to Enable and Disable Free Quantity Input.
Two Units of Measurement for Each Product.
Online Document Printing.
Online Creation of Parties, Products, Agent, etc.
Online Balances of Parties and Product.
Pharmaceutical -
Textile -
Ready-made Garments -
Paper -
Opticians -
Computer Assembly -
Foods products -
Vehicle -
Refrigeration -
Assemblers -
Share Broker -
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Batch No-wise Stock Ledger
Item-wise & Batch-wise Summary
Group-wise Stock Ledger
Detailed Group-wise Stock Ledgers
Group-wise, Product-wise, Batch-wise Summary
Location-wise Stock Ledger
Detailed Location-wise Stock Ledger
Location-wise, Product-wise, Batch-wise Summary
Expiry Date-wise Statement
Expiry date-wise Report as on any Date
Expiry date-wise/Batch-wise Report
Expiry date-wise Stock Holding
Free Quantity Stock Ledger
Movement of Free Quantity
Product-wise Free Quantity Stock Ledger
Product-wise, Batch-wise Free Quantity Stock Ledger
Purchase/Sale Register
Monthly and Daily Sub-Total
Summary of Purchase Items and Terms Deails
Option to Include Returns
Option to Include Party Address, Control a/c, Agent name,
Declaration form details, etc.
Cash/Credit Bill register
Control Account-wise Bill Register
Issue Register
Production Register
Consumption register
Inter Stock Transfer Register
Opening Stock
Document Printing
On-Line Sale & Purchase Bill Printing  
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Batch-wise, Free quantity, Expiry date-wise
Bale no-wise, LR-wise, Lot-wise
Size-wise, Co lour-wise, Design-wise
Reel no-wise, Size-wise
HDD or Keyboard no, Mother Board serial no, Warranty period- wise, Brand name-wise
Batch-wise, Expiry date-wise reports
Engine or Chassis no-wise & co lour-wise
Compressor no-wise
Part serial no, size, brand-wise or any other identity
Script No , Script Name Wise (Long Term Sort Term Profit Report)
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